Email marketing made easy

Sidemail makes managing your mailing list dead simple. Don't pay for the number of subscribers you have, only pay for the emails you send. Create your campaigns with no-code editor or use rich text editor for some quick news.

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Sidemail Messenger

Keep your users in the loop with Messenger

Let your users know about what you're working on. Use simple no-code email builder for emails like product updates or rich text editor for quick news.

Scheduled delivery

They say there's never a perfect time. That's probably because they don't schedule delivery of their emails for the correct hour and based on recipients timezone. You will.

Detailed insights

Get all the insights you need. Deliveries and opens? Check. Bounces and complaints? That too. Wondering if Bob got his discount? Visit the sending history.

Build the mailing list and grow your audience

We all know the advice. Build your audience first. But, you don't know where to start and when you finally get to it you realize how time-consuming is getting set up. If you want things to move quickly, then you've come to the right place.

Painless migration

Say goodbye to your old clunky software and get up and running in a few clicks with simple CVS migration.

Dead simple segmentation

Organize contacts into groups. Did Bob subscribe via blog? Let's add him to blog group. Use more specific groups and take your segmentation further (eg.: "coding tutorial" and "blog post - how to send emails" groups).

  • Unlimited contacts and groups
  • Subscriber's timezone detection
  • Unsubscribe handling
  • Custom contact properties

Create subscribe forms with no-code editor

Create simple subscribe forms in no-time with Sidemail Forms. You have total control over what data you collect. You can also set an automatic email response when someone subscribes, handy for a welcome email. Subscribe form example

Metrics you care about

See visitor count (page views), a number of submits and conversion rate.

Subscriber's timezone

To learn when it's the best time to send, we guess the subscriber's timezone.

More control with code

Need more control? Submit the form data over AJAX (no server needed).

Sending in minutes

Try Sidemail free for 7 days. No credit card required.

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