Sending custom HTML emails

You can send custom HTML emails via the Sidemail API. To send HTML emails you'll need to specify the html parameter.

  • You can use all UTF-8 characters inside inside the html parameter.
  • An email open tracking pixel is automatically inserted at the end of the email <body>. You can disable open tracking by setting parameter isOpenTracked to false.


const configureSidemail = require("sidemail");
const sidemail = configureSidemail({ apiKey: "replace-with-your-api-key" });
const response = await sidemail.sendEmail({
	toAddress: "",
	fromAddress: "",
	fromName: "Your app",
	subject: "Testing HTML only custom emails :)",
	html: "<html><body><h1>Hello world! 🖐</h1><body></html>",

You can also send custom email with both the HTML and plain-text version.

Here's an example:

const configureSidemail = require("sidemail");
const sidemail = configureSidemail({ apiKey: "replace-with-your-api-key" });
const response = await sidemail.sendEmail({
	toAddress: "",
	fromAddress: "",
	fromName: "Your app",
	subject: "Testing HTML and plain-text custom emails :)",
	html: "<html><body><h1>Hello world! 🖐</h1><body></html>",
	text: "Hello world! 🖐",